Voyage & Energy Optimization


Studies and Analysis

analysis1In order to be able to perform precise calculations, the AdrenaShip routing software needs to know how the boat behaves in relation to waves and wind. This involves filling in several tables in the software.

Our technical teams are available to help you fill these out. We have identified three ways of obtaining this information.

  • Collecting data via interviews with navigators.
    This is an empirical method and is therefore less precise than others, but the advantage of this method lies in its simplicity, low cost and involvement of end users. This method gets you started quickly with the software.
  • Analysis of data collected via a system of sensors.
    This method relies on data collected while the vessel is under way. It assumes that the vessel is fitted with a system capable of measuring the boat's behaviour in relation to sea state and wind conditions.
    The data collected must be gathered in a statistical assessment in order for the efficiency tables to be filled in in the AdrenaShip software.
  • Hydrodynamic study
    This method relies on precise hydrodynamic models and assessment using specific data relating to the hull of the boat. This study is completed by a specialist laboratory.

analysis2Our teams would be delighted to assist you in analysing the performance of your vessel.